(12/10/2023) Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2- Band 8

Question: It costs a lot of money for a country to host an international sports event, such as the Olympic Games or football World Cup. Some people think that this is a waste of money, while others believe the opposite.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


It is widely acknowledged that hosting international sports events, such as the Olympic Games or the football World Cup, involves substantial financial costs for a country. While some argue that this expenditure is a wasteful endeavor, others hold the opposite view. This essay will discuss both perspectives before presenting my own opinion.
On one hand, those who consider hosting international sports events a waste of money argue that the funds allocated to these events could be better utilized for more pressing societal needs. They contend that the exorbitant costs involved in constructing state-of-the-art sports facilities, infrastructure upgrades, and security arrangements could be redirected towards improving healthcare, education, or addressing poverty. Moreover, the short-term economic benefits often associated with hosting such events, such as increased tourism and job opportunities, are perceived as insufficient to justify the enormous investment.
On the other hand, proponents of hosting international sports events argue that they bring significant long-term advantages to a country. Firstly, these events serve as catalysts for infrastructure development, prompting the construction or improvement of stadiums, transportation networks, and accommodations. These developments not only enhance the host country’s tourism potential but also leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Secondly, international sports events provide a platform for promoting national pride and cultural exchange. They offer an opportunity to showcase a nation’s culture, traditions, and achievements on a global stage, fostering a sense of unity and pride among the citizens. Lastly, the economic benefits can extend beyond the immediate event, with increased tourism, business opportunities, and international collaborations contributing to long-term economic growth.
In my opinion, the benefits of hosting international sports events outweigh the perceived drawbacks. While the financial costs are undeniably significant, they should be viewed as an investment in a country’s development and global standing. The infrastructure improvements and economic opportunities generated by these events have the potential to yield long-term benefits that extend far beyond the event itself. For instance, the successful hosting of the 2012 Olympic Games in London revitalized neglected areas of the city, leaving a lasting positive impact on the local community.
In conclusion, hosting international sports events comes with substantial financial costs. While it is true that this expenditure is wasteful considering other societal needs, the long-term benefits, including infrastructure development, cultural exchange, national pride, and economic opportunities, make it a worthwhile investment.
Written by Chi Nguyen
Examiner’s comments:
Task Achievement: 8
The essay addresses the question and discusses both perspectives on hosting international sports events. The opinion is clearly stated in the introduction and supported throughout the essay.
Coherence and Cohesion: 8
The essay is well-structured and organized, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point. There is a clear introduction, body paragraphs that present arguments for each perspective, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points.
Lexical Resource: 8
There is a good range of vocabulary used appropriately throughout the essay. The writer demonstrates a varied vocabulary and effectively uses academic language to convey ideas.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 8
The essay demonstrates a good control of grammar, with few errors. The sentences are well-constructed, and there is effective use of complex structures and sentence variety.
Từ vựng tham khảo:
1. Substantial: (adjective) of considerable importance, size, or worth.
2. Expenditure: (noun) the act of spending or using up resources, especially money.
3. Redirected: (verb) to change the direction or purpose of something.
4. Perceived: (adjective) understood or interpreted in a particular way.
5. Insufficient: (adjective) not enough; inadequate.
6. Catalysts: (noun) agents that provoke or stimulate change or action.
7. Infrastructure: (noun) the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
8. Legacy: (noun) something that is handed down or remains from a previous generation or time.
9. Fostering: (verb) promoting or encouraging the development or growth of something.
10. Drawbacks: (noun) disadvantages or negative aspects of something.
11. Undeniably: (adverb) in a way that cannot be denied or disputed.
12. Revitalized: (verb) given new life, energy, or vitality.
13. Neglected: (adjective) not receiving proper attention or care.
14. Worthwhile: (adjective) worth the time, effort, or expense.
15. Perceived: (adjective) understood or regarded in a particular way.
16. Potential: (noun) the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.
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